Bringing the Korean Culture to Switzerland and Europe
저희 Kpop Workshop Switzerland은 전 세계적으로 인기를 얻고 있는 Kpop을 스위스와 더불어 유럽 전역으로 널리 알리고자 만들어 졌습니다.
파리, 영국에 비해서 스위스는 쇼비즈니스 업계의 인프라가 미미하지만 Kpop에 대한 관심은 여느나라 못지않다고 생각합니다.
그로인해 우리는 전YG Japan 보컬트레이너였던 Yeni와의 Kpop 보컬 워크샵을 시작으로 높은 퀄리티의 K-Culture 교육을 다양한 워크샵을 통해 제공해 나갈 계획입니다.
많은 관심 부탁드립니다.
문의 : (한국어, 일본어) (독일어, 영어)
모든 워크샵은 Vyzard Visions Entertainment 가 주관합니다.
Wir haben Kpop Workshop Switzerland geschaffen, um Kpop, dass weltweit an Popularität gewinnt, sowohl in Europa als auch in der Schweiz, zu fördern,
Im Vergleich zu Paris und England hat die Schweiz wenig Infrastruktur im Showbusiness, aber wir denken, das Interesse an Kpop ist so groß wie in jedem anderen Land.
Aus diesem Grund planen wir, durch verschiedene Workshops eine qualitativ hochwertige K-Kultur-Ausbildung anzubieten, beginnend mit dem Kpop-Gesangsworkshop mit der ehemaligen YG Japan-Gesangstrainerin Yeni.
Danke für dein Interesse.
Anfragen: (Koreanisch, Japanisch) (Deutsch, Englisch)
Alle Workshops werden von Vyzard Visions Entertainment veranstaltet.
Kpop Workshop Switzerland was created to promote Kpop, which is gaining popularity all over the world, also throughout Europe as well as Switzerland.
Compared to Paris and England, Switzerland has little infrastructure in the show business industry, but we think the interest in Kpop is as good as any other country.
For that reason, we plan to provide high-quality K-Culture education through various workshops, starting with the Kpop vocal workshop with former YG Japan vocal trainer Yeni.
Thank you for your interest.
Inquiries: (Korean, Japanese) (German, English)
All workshops are hosted by Vyzard Visions Entertainment.